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🎉 Campaign Update: With over 1,000 pledges and donations, we've received over $300,000 that has been distributed to families! 🙏🙏🙏

Participating Schools & Partners

We are a coalition of public schools and non-profit organizations committed to helping families most impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Participating Schools

We are public schools committed to supporting our communities through the Covid-19 pandemic, which has dispropotionately impacted immigrant communities.

Founding OUSD Schools

Bridges Academy at Melrose

Bridges Academy at Melrose located in East Oakland on 53rd and International is a TK to 5th grade school serving 435 students 98% of who are considered low income, 80% are English Language Learners and 20% are newcomers. We serve the highest number of newcomers and the highest number of indigenous Mam speaking families from Guatemala amongst elementary schools in Oakland.

Donate to Bridges Academy

United for Success Academy

United for Success Academy, is a public middle school in the Oakland Unified School District, serving nearly 400 students. Over 10 different languages are spoken at our school, which is about 75% Latinx, 15% African American, with the remaining student population identifying as South East Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern and Native American. All our students qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch.

Donate to United for Success Academy

Emerson Elementary
Esperanza Elementary
ICS Logo
International Community School
Manzanita SEED
Melrose Leadership Academy

Other Participating Oakland Schools

Achieve Academy

Coliseum College Prep Academy

Cox Academy

East Oakland PRIDE Elementary School

Elmhurst United Middle School


Futures and CUES at Lockwood

Joaquin Miller Elementary School

La Escuelita Elementary School

Lazear Charter Academy

Learning Without Limits

Life Academy High School

Lincoln Elementary School

Madison Park Academy

MetWest High School

Oakland International High School

Rudsdale Newcomer High School

Think College Now

Urban Promise Academy

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Non-profit Partners

From promoting the Stimulus Pledge, to receiving and distributing your generous donations, we feel fortunate to have such amazing partners.


The Oakland Public Education Fund (OEF) has been partnering with Oakland schools since 2003.

OEF provides the Stimulus Pledge campaign the back office support and donation accounting necessary for the high degree of financial oversight needed when dealing with donations. While they do take a fee for their service, they provide systems and accounting to help ensure that all the funds donated reach the families in need.

Because OEF already knows and supports Oakland schools, we anticipate fewer bureaucratic issues when distributing funds to families.


Make your pledge today.

If you anticipate getting a check and can afford it, please pledge some or all of your comping stimulus check to prevent homelessness, hunger and illness for immigrant families.